TEDx Talks
先の見えない時代を生き抜くための知恵とは? | Daiki Yamamoto | TEDxSophiaUniversity
Daiki Yamamoto was born and raised in Toyama/Tochigi prefecture. He established an original company in the field of human resource education and development, now operating NEST, a community that aims to support people’s dreams, based on the concept, “Creating a world where all students and adults can discover their dreams, and live every day with objectives". He also belongs to the beauty contestant community, the student group representative community, and the student creators community. 1999年富山県・栃木県出身。上智大学文学部フランス文学科在学中。人材教育分野で企業し、「全ての学生や大人が夢を見つけ、目標を持って毎日を精一杯生きる世の中を」というコンセプトの元、夢を支援するコミュニティ「NEST」を運営。他にもミスコン出場者コミュニティ、学生団体代表コミュニティ、クリエイター学生コミュニティにも所属している。
Daiki Yamamoto was born and raised in Toyama/Tochigi prefecture. He established an original company in the field of human resource education and development, now operating NEST, a community that aims to support people’s dreams, based on the concept, “Creating a world where all students and adults can discover their dreams, and live every day with objectives". He also belongs to the beauty contestant community, the student group representative community, and the student creators community. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx